
​  Meet Francini

Meet Francini.  She lives in Jazmín, a slum neighborhood in Alajuelita, Costa Rica.  A good education is the most important predictor of whether Francini will continue to live in poverty.  She is very bright and is fortunate to be attending Love At Work International Christian School on a scholarship funded by Education Partners in the USA.  

Breaking Cycles
We know a quality, Christian education can be a huge factor in breaking cycles of injustice, poverty, and violence.  For example — students with a bachelor’s degree earn 2.4 times more annually than primary school graduates and, over a lifetime that gap is enormous.  

Education is perhaps our most transformational program.  It’s an opportunity to change a child’s reality, transform a family, transform a city.  Not only will these kids break the cycle of poverty in their family, they are likely to be more satisfied in their careers, healthier, and more involved as citizens and parents.

We Want To Do The Right Thing The Right Way
In every area of ministry, we want to do the right things the right way.  In the case of this program, it means not only do we want to provide an excellent education, but we care about the kind of person you are, your values, and the contribution you’re going to make to God’s kingdom.

Brain-power alone is not enough.  You can be bright and well educated, but not show wisdom in other ways.   We want to produce graduates who are wise, with strong Christian values and excellent academic skills who can be used by God regardless of the profession you choose.  

Our job, the job of all those who are helping with the program is, first, to know your child and to love your child; and, second, to hold youto high standards.  Because when you are held to high expectations, in an environment where you are known and loved, you will succeed.

In early 2018, God was clearly calling again,  “Love At Work International Christian School is a safe place, but there are hundreds of my children who will not be able to be in the school.  Build a place of hope for them.”

​​Love At Work’s new LifeCenter is located in the middle of the “slums” and helps the kids who go to public school and others who have dropped out . . . kids who otherwise would be wandering the neighborhood while waiting for classes.  The Life Center offers a variety of crucial benefits for kids and their families, all supporting Love At Work's goal of breaking their cycle of poverty and helping them reach their God-given potential. 

Most kids in the slums of Tejarcillos don’t have safe, clean places to spend time. Our LifeCenter provides that!   It's a place of hope where families are treated with dignity and kids escape negative influences of gangs, violence and drugs.

This was something God put on our hearts from the beginning.  We started with an after school program called the Technology Center, and this evolved into a school.  There were 60 students that first year, and now we have 258 students in our programs that are all the way from Kindergarten through High School.  Several of our graduates attend universities.

Today, Love At Work International Christian School has become the most respected Christian school in the area.  It provides children of diverse socio-economic backgrounds with an academic foundation to do well in the best universities while forming the discipline and Christian character that they will need for life.  

Our vision is that these students, many coming from the poorest neighborhoods, will become articulate, well-rounded Christian thinkers . . . leaders, doctors, pastors, entrepreneurs who will change the community from the inside out.

Love At Work International Christian School

The LifeCenter

"A Caring Place Where Children Learn To Think"

Future Generations Will Change the World!

Love At Work Ministries